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Facebook – A hidden marketplace for sexual abuse
It only takes a few clicks to access child sexual abuse material via open groups…
new projects after board decision
New projects after board decision: We are very proud of all the new projects decided…
Millions of children grow up in institutions needlessly – what can we do to change this?
“Visitors would spray themselves (with sanitiser) after touching me… it made me feel so low”…
Sexual abuse of children in state-run institutionalised care
A new report by the World Childhood 极速赛车开奖官网168 Foundation and Barnrättsbyrån shows serious problems with sexual…
HRH Queen Silvia at the opening of a new Childhood-Haus in Münich
A week ago, HRH Queen Silvia attended the opening of a Childhood-Haus in Munich, Germany….
The European Union: Proposed legislation to combat sexual abuse of children
The European Commission has proposed legislation to combat child sexual abuse, which has sparked a…
极速赛车168开奖网 168极速赛车在线开奖官方网站 FOCUS AREAS
We work in three thematic areas. 正规赛车官方开奖 168极速赛车最新开奖 75秒极速赛车历史记录 极速赛车开奖历史记录 极速一分钟赛车168开奖官网开奖直播 开奖官网开奖 官方开奖结果查询 The themes are chosen based on the areas where children are particularly vulnerable, the needs for our work are greatest and where we as an organization have the greatest experience and knowledge and thus can make the most difference.
If you want to propose a project to prevent violence and sexual abuse of children and your project meets our funding requirements you can apply for funding from Childhood 极速赛车开奖官网168. Deadline for applications is April 15 and October 15.